Hey again,
Another post so soon could lead anyone to believe that I'll be one of those daily posting bloggers but I'll tell you now that won't be the case. I just happen to have the time right now.
I've just stopped working on my sketchbook for the day and boy do I feel good about it. I won't lie and claim to have had control over this brief all along. I didn't do any work for 6 weeks. Barely even thought about it. But then in this last month I've turned it all around. I started my sketchbook and have now almost filled it. It's as up to date as it can be right now. The only things I have left to do is shoot some photos of my dog at his home and write up my final idea. I had many different ideas for this brief but in the end decided to focus it on sci-fi conventions.
Why sci-fi conventions? Truth is, I used to volunteer at them from being 17 to 21. It started with my love of Lord of the Rings and went from there really. But I gave up the conventions when some of the other volunteers began taking their job too seriously. After all I was there to have fun with my friends. Not be bossed around by people who'd been working the conventions for less time than me.
So as I went from idea to idea for this brief I considered the thought of returning to the conventions and doing my documentary project on the fanatics who attend them. It was such a last minute decision but despite the expensive train everything else seemed to work in my favour towards this idea. I wanted to hire a lens for the shoot so asked on Facebook if anyone knew of any local companies. I was recommended Calumet and when I gave them a call was told that pretty much every lens had already been rented out. The guy I spoke to kindly checked to see if any were due back and it just so happened that the perfect lens for me was due back the day before I set off for the convention. And as the rental period was over the weekend I would only have to pay for one day's rent. Just perfect. Then I needed somewhere to stay and my best friend came to my rescue. Although in the end we stayed with another one of our best friends. With my new lens I felt more confident about shooting and had a really good time at the show getting over 600 shots.
When I got home on Sunday I went through a quick selection process and whittled my choice down to 40 shots. Monday morning was spent putting together the necessary book and purchasing it. Got a call from my dad to say it'd arrived today.
So today I spent some quality time catching up on my sketchbook work and filling it with as much writing as possible. Now all it needs is the mini brief on my dog including prints and the write up from the convention.
Considering I've got all this done in a month I feel amazing. I've stayed off college to complete this work and no doubt my tutor will be pissed when I show up with something she hasn't had any involvement in. But what I've realised about my studies and my photography is that I have no desire to take photographs to please anyone else. I'm happiest when my photos are for me. And this project has been for me. I'll have this book and it'll be a reminder of the time I spent working at these sci-fi conventions. Even if I get the most basic of pass marks I won't care. I'm happy with my photos and happy with the work I've done in my sketchbook. I believe in this project and I'll defend it if my tutor criticises it.
I just feel so good right now and after a period of suffering from severe depression it's especially good to feel like I do right now. I feel more myself again. So for the rest of the night I'm just going to relax.
Back to work tomorrow, I'll be spending the day annoying my dog by following him round to take photos of his home from his perspective. Sounds arty right?
Laters, P x
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