(The funny thing I've noticed about my lack of blogging is that I've had more daily blog views than I ever did when I was doing regular posts.)
We're now a delightful 6 days in March and haven't they mostly been nice sunny days? Perfect shooting days. Have I been out doing just that? Not in the slightest. Anyways what I wanted today's post to be is a conclusive summary on my February Photo A Day challenge.
You can see full sized versions on my Flickr or on my previous February Photo A Day posts.
Well I completed February Photo A Day without missing a single day and although they may not be the most inspiring of photographs at least I managed something for each day. Sometimes I wasn't remotely enthused by the day's prompt and on other days I was simply not interested in shooting regardless of the prompt. The weather and my anxiety issues meant I was for the most part stuck indoors so I struggled to keep things interesting. However I did find doing a challenge such as this to be something of a learning experience. I did once long ago attempt a 365 project but it became tedious when I was stuck indoors as much as I was. That would be the ultimate challenge for me to complete really. So a month long challenge I figured would be well suited to me. For some prompts I knew in advance what I wanted to shoot and I'd just go for it. For others I'd think it over and look around my house to see what I could shoot trying out a few things before settling on my final shot. Sometimes I'd have an idea in mind, begin shooting but become bored by the shots I was getting so end up shooting something entirely different. For pretty much every shot I would be thinking could I make this better? I tried various angles and placements to get the shot I wanted. I had one restriction in that for the majority of the shots I stuck to my 50mm lens as I'm a sucker for a shallow depth of field. What I'd find as I began shooting is that I'd start really considering my composition for some shots and it's been a while since I've really done that. I think with my recent enjoyment of film I've perhaps gotten a bit lax with my composition and I've indulged a little too much in a point & shoot mentality. You'd think that would be the other way round considering how expensive film is compared to digital. I think in future I've got to get myself back into considering my composition regardless of the format I'm shooting on.
For a month long challenge Fat Mum Slim provides some pretty easy but interesting prompts that anyone could attempt. I'd love to see more of what other people produced for her challenges using actual cameras rather than the masses of Instagrammers. Having said that if I were an iPhone owner I'd be on Instagram constantly doing these challenges. Although I'm not joining in the March Photo a Day challenge I have been left inspired to come up with my own prompts for a similar challenge. More on that another time. Overall this was a fun way to get myself back into shooting digital although I'm still feverishly fanatical about film.
What you may see in future is a post featuring all the "rejected" shots from this challenge as I think I've got some interesting alternatives that I'd hate to leave unseen.
I will eventually make a return to regular posting. Expect another post this week as I had a film developed from my LC-A+ recently and I want to make a post out of that. I'm sorry I'm not as frequent blogger as I was but that's something of a personal issue.
P x
They're great photos Kelly. Your blog is your personal space, though readers will miss your posts we always understand that you have other stuff going on! I hope whatever the problem is it gets sorted out, hugs! xo