9 November 2012

InCamera Arts

In my last post I dropped a line about the fact I've been attending a little photography group here in Manchester called 'InCamera Arts'. Run by the lovely Jenn Brookes it's a monthly meet where photographers who enjoy the analogue side of photography can sit round, have a chat and show some work if they like. The first two meetings I attended had guest speakers, Michelle Waters and Jonathan Stead. Both different artists working on film and both very inspiring in their individual ways. Tonight was a little quieter with a smaller group than I've seen previously but it gave us a chance to show some prints. I think it was a nice way to quietly celebrate the group being a year old. I hope I'll be around to see its 2nd birthday.

Near enough everyone showed some of their work in one way or another. There was one print of Jenn's that I was especially fond of which I hope she doesn't mind me sharing here. If you click on the photo you'll go through to her Flickr where she has tons of great photographs. I know there's pretty much no way of controlling how the purposely done destruction to the film turns out but the way the green is almost in line with the buildings and the bridge just looks stunning.


There was also this picture by Julian Dyer (check out his website too for more of his work) which I think looks fantastically timeless. He shot it on a Polaroid Land Camera a few months back but given the subject and the camera used if you gave this shot a few years to deteriorate a little then I doubt you'd be able to date it at all. How great is that?

Vintage car racing up to Orchard

And as for me, well excess is usually my thing so I took along a whopping 18 prints to show. They were little 5x7s to be fair. Considering I don't think I shoot in any particular style or have any kind of distinct signature to my photography, when I was looking for stuff to print I did notice from my recent Barcelona trip that I do have a fondness for shooting into the light. And within the Barcelona shots alone I found these 18 shots that all near enough come from shooting into the light.

I've never really reflected on my photographs in this way and it's funny to see that there is something of a trend within my shots. It's been good for me to pull them up in this way really and now I have a nice little collection with this theme. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it in future. Whether I'll find myself gathering a whole heap of these shooting into the light shots. I must say just having some physical prints makes for a nice change. I've been slowing gathering a collection of shots to get printed out so I can have some up around my room as miniature LomoWalls. Will definitely have to get that organised and begin the printing process soon. I've also been considering making a book from the shots I took in Barcelona, I really like the idea of the best being collected together in such a way and presented in a format which people can flick through. It seems a little more refined in comparison to your bog standard photo album.

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now. The next 'InCamera Arts' is in December and we'll be looking at cameraless photography which is pretty exciting. Going to have to get some research done for that one!


P x

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