So when I was pulling out films to develop, the chances of pulling out two films from the same period and indeed same event is actually pretty slim. Yet somehow I did it. Of the initial 3 films I selected, all 3 of them were shot in 2013. Even weirder, 2 of them are from the same event. Spooky right?
Beginning of August 2013 Andy took me to Y Not festival. Compared to Glastonbury, Y Not is a pretty tiny festival. But pretty perfectly formed. It was an incredibly wet weekend. In fact heavy thunderstorms stopped several performances. Most notably for us Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip where Pip crowd surfed out of the tent and eventually wound up on Andy's head trying not to knock his glasses off. We kept getting evacuated back to our tents because thunderstorms and festival electricals do not mix. It was both terrifying and amazing. I remember it as being a really fun albeit soggy weekend. We should probably go again sometime.
I had forgotten how much I like photographing Andy using my film cameras. He's a very handsome man and he looks especially good on film. I'm sure there's something to be said for the best photographs being those where the photographer has a great love for the subject.
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