18 June 2012

Long Overdue.

13th March. The date of my last blog post. It happened to be my 100th blog post, unremarkable in its reporting of an iPhone upgrade. It also evidently turned out to be the post after which I'd take an unplanned haitus. But now I am back.

Hello again.

I would like to take a moment to explain my haitus. Like I said it was unplanned. Nothing especially spectacular happened to cause it. It just came about after a little too much thought. If you were following the blog at that point then you possibly noticed the increased gaps between posting, the drop of regular featured posts and the diminished amount of writing within the few posts I did do. To tell the truth I stopped posting because of a combination of losing interest and feeling like blogging was too big a distraction. Since leaving college and the absolute failing of finding employment the blog became a distraction for me. At first it was fun. It felt like as long as I was writing my blog then I was doing something worthwhile. But then the novelty wore off and the prolonged period of no college/no job was becoming incredibly tiresome. I needed something of actual worth to do. I needed to be earning. And blogging was distracting me from committing to finding proper work. I was too wrapped up in the internet to thoroughly apply myself to the job hunt. That damn internet. If only it weren't so distracting.

So why have I returned? Well because I've actually missed blogging. I may not have a massive following, I may not be changing lives with my posts nor inspiring others but I do miss putting my thoughts out there to share with the few who care to read them. I also feel I'm in a better place to take blogging back up.

So what have I been doing? Well it took roughly 6 weeks from that last post but I did manage to find a job. It's only temporary but it's better than nothing for now and I'm still applying for more permanent positions. Actually I have an interview for another job on Wednesday so fingers crossed for that. I began having something of a life again and spent time with friends both local and afar. I've tried my best to keep up with photography stuff but lack of funds has meant lack of processing abilities. Not to mention a lack of inspiration. There's a backlog of films to be processed and the results will make their way on to here eventually. I've been down to Brighton, London, Shropshire and Newquay all in the name of living. Somewhat individual posts about these things will happen as well. And lastly I've started seeing someone which has been pretty damn nice.

So that's that. And here I am. Expect more posts, perhaps not as regularly as previously but something is better than nothing.

The photos are all courtesy of my iPhone. I'm a slave to Instagram.


Panda x