It was perhaps inspired by a friend's Facebook status about what she wanted to achieve before her 30th. I scoffed at it initially. Discussed it with my boyfriend (who turned 30 earlier this year) and laughed about the ridiculous goals that people in general set for themselves.
But then that phrase kept going round in my head. Before I knew it, I had 6 ideas written down. Then 11 ideas. And then I was sitting at my desk trying to think of 19 more (and feeling very frustrated when they weren't immediately obvious).
I wanted to set ideas that I believe are genuinely realistic and achievable. Researching the concept of '30 before 30', I came across list after list that were filled with ideas which were financially impossible unless you are flush with cash or incredibly well connected. I am neither of those things. I also wanted to avoid setting ideas that resembled the usual dross you see around new year. This isn't about changing who I am as a person or setting myself up for failure. This is about experiences, achievements, and ideas that I could actually do.
So here's my list, my '30 before 30'...
These aren't in any particular order, I recorded them as I thought of them. And my boyfriend has already sweetly pointed out the contradiction of buying a car and working towards being debt free. But c'mon, I'm not looking for an expensive car and by the end of this year I'll be down to just my loan to pay off.
Now I did plan to write a little explanation for each of these but I think this post has been long enough as it is. Some of these things are already in progress which is a pretty encouraging start! By posting this then I'm already working on #4, revive my blog. And I plan to post for each idea I achieve so you can look forward to at least 29 more posts in the future.
Wish me luck!
These are awesome ideas!