1 February 2012

February Photo Challenge

In an attempt to somewhat encourage myself creatively I'm going to try my best to complete the below February Photo A Day Challenge as set by Fat Mum Slim.

I think this is largely aimed at those lucky people with iPhones who can Instagram their way through life but I'm going to try it anyways. Knowing me I'll give up early on. I'm terrible with photo challenges. But I need some encouragement when it comes to shooting at the moment and this seems a fun way to do it.

I won't post my results daily but will group them up into one post a week. I'm planning on doing this on my Canon 450D and one of my film cameras so it'll be fun to see the difference between the two at the end.

Wish me luck!


P x


  1. Good luck with this project, fingers crossed that you would finish it!

  2. I will be trying this on instagram. A dslr + analog cam sounds good, do try to keep & it & share. :)
