11 February 2012

February Photo A Day - Part 2

Here's the next lot of February Photo A Day photographs.

Day 4 - A Stranger

Day 5 - 10am

Day 6 - Dinner

Day 7 - Button

Day 8 - Sun

Day 9 - Front Door

Day 10 - Self Portrait

Admittedly there are some questionable subject interpretations here. Day 4 - A Stranger for example, to me my Zenit-E is a stranger, I have no idea how to work it and it remains unused/untested. I'll get there, just requires some self taught photography lessons no doubt. Day 6 - Dinner, well ok it was an ingredient for lunch but I wouldn't have had chance to photograph my actual dinner. And day 9 - Front Door, that is the door to my CD house not an actual house. But I wasn't about to go outside in the miserable weather to photograph my boring front door. And as for day 10 - Self Portrait, well I hate taking photographs of myself plus I don't have a tripod so at the very end of the day I snapped this shot instead. Trust me, it's a much nicer picture of me.

There you have it. The next lot will be posted next Saturday. I hope you've enjoyed these for now though. Link me up if you're doing this as I'd love to see how else people are shooting these prompts.


P x


  1. I did this for a few days on instagram & then gave up. :(
    Your photos are very nice, what kind of Polaroid camera/film did you use for the self portrait?
    Life etc.

    1. Aw what a shame! I've had a couple of days where I really haven't wanted to do it but knew I'd be more annoyed if I gave up.
      The self portrait/Polaroid are the standard 600 film from before Polaroid went bust. Those Polaroids are probably about 4/5 years old now!
      Thanks for your comment.

  2. Oooo these are lovely. I wish I had started something like this - have missed Jan and Feb now!

    1. Thanks. Hopefully they'll be a March one for you to join in on perhaps? I've got a few random photo month long challenges saved from various places now which I might mash together to do one purely on film.

  3. Ohhhh Kello, they so purdy <3. I have always loved that polaroid of you, happy memories. Was itme that took it? I forget these days...
    My Feb photos are Instagramtastic, which I guess doesn't help you so much. I wonder if I can find an onlone feed for that....

    1. I can't remember who took it either! Can barely remember who was on that tube journey. My memory is horrendous. But it does make me smile to look at that polaroid.
      I don't mind Instagramtastic photos. I think the majority of people doing the #Febphotoaday are doing it with Instagram. I'm the sucker doing it using an actual camera. But the point is....SHARE ALL YOUR PHOTOS WITH MEEEE!
