25 February 2012

February Photo A Day - Part 4

Part 4 is here and I must confess I struggled this week. Possibly I'm a little bored of the project. There have been days when I haven't wanted to shoot the prompts but I knew I'd be more annoyed with myself if I didn't. It's a funny thing shooting when you really don't want to.

Day 18 - Drink

Day 19 - Something You Hate To Do

Day 20 - Handwriting

Day 21 - A Fave Photo Of You

Day 22 - Where You Work

Day 23 - Your Shoes

Day 24 - Inside Your Bathroom Cabinet

Since I'm writing this at 8am in the morning that mug of tea is looking mighty attractive right now and yes that mug is extra large. I'd say it's probably about a pint, possibly more of tea and that's how I like it. I like a LOT of tea. The something I hate to do is dry my hair. I don't particularly go in much for special care routines when it comes to my hair and face, I just do what works for me. But I decided to try out a diffuser hairdryer as they are supposed to be better for curly hair. What that means is it takes twice as long to dry my hair these days because I no longer just blast it. That photograph also shows off my newly dyed gingery locks. And I shot it tethered to my laptop so I could see the results instantly. Pretty fun way to shoot self portraiture. My favourite photograph comes from my first birthday in Spain, I'm on the left and my brother is giving me a birthday kiss. As I don't have a job any "work" I do is done entirely on my laptop and usually from the confines of my bed. Day 23 is where I really did not want to shoot. I'd planned to shoot my beloved Converse as those have been my staple shoes since I was 17. Instead I got involved with cleaning the house and by the time I'd finished, made tea for my men and sat down to finally relax I was absolutely knackered. Then I remembered I needed to do this photograph. Bother.

There you have it, another week is done and I only have 4 more days of prompts to shoot. Including night which should be an interesting shot to attempt without a tripod. I know this week of photographs haven't been very inspiring but I haven't found the prompts to be very inspiring to be honest. I'm actually thinking of setting my own photo challenges by amassing prompts from other challenges and asking for contributions.

As for March's photo challenge, well I haven't decided on whether to join in on that one yet. However if you do decide to then please let me know as I'd love to follow.


P x

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics :)

    The one of you, when you was a child, is so cute.

