14 December 2011

Christmas Wish List

For the most part I'm very anti-Christmas. The hype, the commercialism, the adverts, the pressure, the sickening feeling of being alone at this time of year? None of that is for me. However I can't resist making a Christmas wish list entirely for blogging purposes. So if I were to have a perfect Christmas this year these are the gifts I'd be hoping for under my tree.


Camera Lust - An Olympus Trip 35 - available at Trip Man
I cannot explain my desire for this nifty little camera. It's a cult classic once used by the old master himself David Bailey. For me it just seems a perfect, in the bag, on the go camera. It's somewhat loosely comparable to your digital compact I suppose. Except 10x better because analogue is the way forward didn't you know? The problem is I'm having a hard time deciding on which colour to go for.


Reading List - George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire - available at Amazon
I am like many a folk out there a big fan of HBO's Game of Thrones based on George R R Martin's fantasy novel series. And I have actually listened to the audiobooks of all the books already. So why would I want the paperbacks? Because I am a reading nerd and I want to be able to say I've actually read the books. I won't feel I know the series properly until I do. Funnily enough a friend and I are doing an online book club for a big read through of the whole series. But I'll tell you about that another time. The reason A Clash of Kings is crossed out is because I picked up a copy of that for 50p! Amazing. My father has kindly bought me the rest of the books (barring A Dance With Dragons) for my Christmas present. The only thing on this list I'll actually be getting which I'm genuinely delighted with.


Geek Girl - The Walking Dead Graphic Novels, volumes 2, 6, 14 & 15 - available at Amazon
If you weren't already aware I'm a bit of a geek and when I can afford them (very rarely) I enjoy a good graphic novel. I've got a petite collection of my own including The Walking Dead. Now I've been with this series for a fair few years. The first big love of my life introduced me to them back when I was roughly 18/19. Together we got so far but when we split I obviously no longer had access to his collection and tragically I couldn't afford my own. Now when I met the third big love of my life t'other year one of the things he found attractive about me was my geek tendencies. And guess what? He was a Walking Dead fan too. Gloriously I got to delve into his collection and finally catch up. Of course then we split and once again I was separated from this beautiful story. However with my student loan and an eagle eye spotting of nearly all the books generously discounted in Fopp I snapped them up. I'm missing the first three volumes listed above and the last one, volume 15, hasn't been released yet. So they've got long awaited wish list status.


The Practicals
Sometimes you just need the basics. For me the basics this year include new bags, a snood and a hat.
a.) Burgundy Canvas Backpack - available at ASOS
As my camera collection grows I find myself wanting more than one camera with me at any time. As to ensure I can cover any possible photographic situation. However carrying cameras plus spare film and accessories is a little shoulder aching (I'm a persistent shoulder bag gal). Whilst I was in Portugal I utilised my old faithful Jansport backpack which I've had since I was 17. However my Jansport backpack is a bit too big and heaven forbid a little unfashionable for wear here in Blighty. So I fancy myself this little burgundy number from ASOS Men's section. Big enough to pop all my photographic gear in whilst still looking less than unfashionable. Oh let's face it, hardly anyone can pull off the backpack look but have you tried taking photographs with a handbag over your shoulder? Irritating as hell.
b.) Ladies Striped Bag - available at Peacocks
Yes I have a backpack on my wish list and yes I also have this bag on my wish list. Deal with it. I like bags. Now I don't know what the general feel towards Peacocks is but I've picked up some cracking things from there a few times now. Including two of my best handbags. Now this bag would be similar to the backpack purpose wise but for those days when I wish to appear that little bit more fashionable. I've seen this in store so I'm aware that it's perfectly big enough for my needs.
c.) Oversized Snood in deep red - available at New Look
I have long been interested in the snood but have yet to venture into the actual wearing of one. As a big fan of scarves (I genuinely don't feel right not wearing one) the snood seems a treat to me. None of that loose scarf trails blowing around in the wind or working their way to one size for that wonky look.
d.) Fishermans Beanie Hat in cream - available at New Look
I will admit I am mostly attracted to this hat for that name, fishermans beanie hat. But winter is coming (House Stark anyone?) and whilst I still love my massive hat from last year, it is something of a tradition to buy a new hat. Also I'd like something that still shows my curls so I'm not mistaken for a chap. I have images in my head of myself wandering around with hat, snood, and backpack on snapping away at a blanket of crisp, white snow. Perfectly wintery.


Hero Worship - What Would Tom Waits Do? t-shirt - available at Etsy
Did you guys know that Tom Waits is one of my many Gods? Along with Viggo Mortensen and Stephen Fry. I could tell you a lengthy tale of how I came to adore Tom Waits but I won't. It's a far too personal story. Anyways, I adore this man and I adore this play of the What Would Jesus Do? bracelets sometimes worn by committed Christians. I much prefer the question when applied to Tom Waits. The man would have a smoke, a drink, allude you with his wit then go off for a growl with any one of his mental instruments. So I figure this t-shirt would be the perfect way to pay homage to the great man himself. Fun fact, T W is also my dad's initials.


The Don of Keyrings - Ron Swanson keyring - available at Etsy
If you're not a regular watcher of Parks and Recreation, please I beg you to commit yourself to catching up with this fantastic series. It has a whole wealth of amazing characters and is utterly hilarious. One of the best characters (and that's saying something when everyone brings something awesome to the show) is undoubtedly Ron Swanson, the director of the Parks and Recreation department. I knew of this guy before I'd even seen the show because he was all over Tumblr in screengrabs and quotes. I feel this particular quote is both about me and by me.


Be The Wild Thing - Max Onesie - available only in dreams or at the hands of a nifty seamstress/costume maker
Onesies are gradually taking over as the nightwear to have these days. I confess I get tempted to buy one myself at times but always hold back. Mostly because no onesie will ever compete with a Max from Where The Wild Things Are wolf suit onesie. I would do terrible things to have one of these. I know there are companies out there that make very similar onesies but with zips rather than the authentic Max style buttons but that isn't good enough for me. I'd want mine to be exactly like Max's because I'm that fussy/geeky.

Alright well that's it for my Christmas wish list. It is all mostly a fantasy but it's tame compared to the lists I used to write for my mum when I was a kid.


P x

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