3 December 2011

Retail Therapy

One of my worst habits is undoubtedly my indulgence in retail therapy whenever I'm feeling particularly low. Worrying about finances goes out the window temporarily and I tell myself it's perfectly reasonable to spend my money so freely. Of course once said purchases are made I get panicky about money again and tell myself how bad it is I've bought these things. Sigh.

But these are my most recent purchases.

AS IF I could refuse the mega Harry Potter box set. All those extras and a special book? Geek heaven. Sadly my box set is trapped at some random damn collection office that I have to try find. I swear it's in the middle of nowhere and I don't drive. Unlucky. But still, a Harry Potter marathon will be had and by god I will have all the tears.

I returned to eBay in glorious fashion and swiped myself this little guy. It's a Zenit-E. I know pretty much nothing about it. Except that I've seen some photographs produced by it and like them enough to want one myself. It was about £11 inc postage which isn't so bad. It's hanging out at the collection office with my HP dvd set. Fingers crossed it works.

Of course with a new camera must come new film. Or rather I have this obsessive thing about buying film. To be fair I had piggies to spend on the Lomography website and I've been wanting to try all these films (except the 400, already used that before) for a while now. As for the other stuff well I convince myself I need higher ISO films for certain things then don't get round to using them as intended. But hey at least I have them as back up now. I think my film collection needs a post of its own, I have quite a few rolls waiting to be used now.

There have been a few other random purchases but these are my most valued ones. Expect more posts on these individual items.


P x

(I should probably make posts like these during the day when I actually have the items to hand huh? Y'know so I can actual pictures of said items.)

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