14 December 2011

Lomo Wednesday - upic (again)

Long overdue I know and it's technically not a new Lomohome I'm showing you. But I absolutely had to share the latest album from previously featured Lomographer upic.

Presenting "The wolf is around."

How simple and fun a series is this? Such an easy concept to try out. Grab a friend. Grab a mask. Shoot said friend in said mask in a variety of locations. Kapow! Gives me ideas for sure.

The series was shot on a Pentacon Six which is a medium format SLR camera. Hard to believe some of them are film though since they look so pure. Amazing how good some photographs can turn out with a good camera and good film.

I'll get back into regularly posting a new Lomo home each Wednesday I promise. I've found a couple of potentials to share with you all but I'm still hunting for someone with those 'WOW' kind of photographs.

Hope you like these for now though!


P x


  1. these photos are excellent!

    also, i just wanted to say that i came across your blog today and i think it's really nice! definitely going to be keeping up with your posts in the future!

    helen @ thelovecatsINC


  2. Ooh I do think this is a really awesome idea.

